We attend many industry meetings. Plan to meet with us at meetings you also attend. This will allow us face-to-face dialogue and the opportunity to review strategies and objectives.

We are also involved with Pharmacists for Healthier Lives.


List of Meetings for 2024

ASAP Annual Conference, January 12-14, 2024 St. Pete’s Beach, FL

APhA2024, March 22-25, 2024 Orlando, FL

McKesson IdeaShare, June 23-26, 2024 New Orleans, LA

Cardinal Health Regional Business Conference, July 24-27, 2024 Chicago, IL

AmeriSource Bergen ThoughtSpot, July 25-27, 2024 Orlando, FL

National Alliance for State Pharmacy Associations Fall Meeting, October 25, 2024 Columbus, OH

NCPA Annual Meeting, October 26-29, 2024 Columbus, OH

Spending a little time up front can go a long way to ensure effective meetings

  1. Define your goal. What is the purpose of the meeting?
  2. Who is your audience and what do you want them to learn or achieve?
  3. What is the most cost-effective meeting format to meet your objective?
  4. Prepare an agenda. It will ensure the meeting stays on track and help you determine who really needs to be there.

Ask me for 3 more points.